Saturday, April 21, 2012

Spring Break Has Finally Arrived

Spring break is here.....finally!  It has been a long stretch since Christmas and teachers here are so excited to have a week off from work.  Did I say a whole week?  A week seems like an eternity right now, full of all kinds of fun and possibilities.  Since I am a list maker and a "task" oriented person I must make a "to do list" for my spring break.  How would I accomplish things if I didn't?  Anybody else out there understanding my perspective :)  If I list it then you will help me be accountable....right?  Ok here it is

1. spend time with my loved ones {that is the easiest to check off}
2. rest a little
3. attend a women's conference
4. catch up on embroidering
5. begin preparing for a summer Bible study
6. bake a little
7. cook a little
8. create something pretty in PSE {PhotoShop Elements}
9. spend more time with my loved ones
10. rest some more

Ok number 4 is looking pretty good.  This is an applique made just for hooded towels.  It has button holes made to slip a wash cloth into.  I did not have a new fresh wash cloth but I did have the end of a hand towel that I had used for another hooded towel.  So I cut it a bit and zigzagged the end and it works perfect.  It even had pink stripes on the bottom.

I think this is total cuteness. 
I normally measure the hand towels 9" for a newborn hood but since Sloan is 14 months I cut it 12".  I think the hood is a bit large now will grow with her.  If you want to make some adorable hooded towels {designs are still on sale} skip on over to Applique Corner and get a few designs before the sale is over.

Noah's mommy likes giraffes and blue ones with black touches.  I searched and searched for a cute giraffe design.  This is the one I decided on.  I like him but the placement of the eyes is a little off in my opinion.  What do you think? and  that is not his nose because I left the nose off. 

 Baby Noah is coming soon


Happy Spring Break


  1. I just love your work!I would love to see a tutorial on how you do your embroidery...everything you make is so beautiful!!I would love to learn how to do it!!

  2. Well thank you so much! I will try to do that for you.

  3. You do make the cutest stuff!! Leesville could use a boutique filled with your creations and you could even call it Bella and Bambino;-) Those amazing cupcakes you make would be a hit too!!!

  4. You have the gift of encouragement. You know the many ways you have helped me What will I do when you and your precious family leave me? I'm already sad.

  5. Where did you get the cute giraffe design? I would love to fine one?
