Our Photo Friday spotlight this week is Avery! Avery just celebrated her birthday and she wore her PolkadotGiraffe shirt, a tutu and a tiara. What a birthday cutie! She is an adorable and active 2 year old. Her mom answered these questions about Miss Avery:
1. Class of .....2026
2. Favorite foods.... pizza, peas and corn...when she is willing to eat
3. Favorite things to do.... Feed the dog and make coffee with DaDa. Ride
the Mule(vehicle) with MeMe and PawPaw. She also loves to "help" MaMa.
4. What she wants to be when she grows up..... A zookeeper...she loves to
help feed the animals.
5. A favorite pet......Summer Dog
6. Boyfriend....Which one? She has about five.
7. Favorite movie....... Anything with Dora
Thanks Avery and Mom for being a part of Photo Friday! Happy Weekend everyone!